My last ride in Nice - so sad :(
I had one ride left in my planned routes, the Col de Vence. Not a huge climb but I was excited to see some new territory. All my previous rides were either east or due north from my apartment. This would take me west past the airport and then up into the hills. The terrain is definitely different, more rolling & smooth compared to the rocky, ragged and steep terrain on the other side of Nice.

Some stats on the Col de Vence:
Category 1 climb, 12kms @6.4% topping out at 963m
Below is one of the signs for the route - at this point the gradient is 5%. Not sure if it means 5% to the top or 5% for the next kilometer. These signs are at every kilometer and the rest of them were all 7%

This climb was different in that the slope was easier to tackle, and very consistent throughout. Not really any steep pitches to trouble you. The views were of a barren landscape with small brush and not really any trees. You could see very far but because it wasn't steep you were never really able to see much of the road you came up from.

Once to the top, time to descend. This was a prefect descent for me as there were only a couple switchbacks and the gradual slope meant I could actually make it down without using my brakes much! Certainly my most enjoyable descent from the risk/exhilaration standpoint.

My first problem cycling in France came up as I flatted on the way back. I was on a pretty busy road - 2 lanes each way with a speed limit of probably 80 or so. I hit an elevated reflector and as I did noted 'thats not good', lost a water bottle and went back to retrieve it. As i did so, I heard the dreaded hissing of a pinch flat. I rode a bit longer to find a safe place to pull off and make my repairs. All was good except that my CO2 was empty so I was limited to a handpump to inflate my tire. I was able to get it to around 60psi and rode home the rest of the way easy. Thankfully it was flat or sligthly downhill and the last 7k or so a beautiful bikepath along the Promenade des Anglais.

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